Ola! I’m Henrique Alves, Frontend Engineer passionated about user experience design and user interfaces.

I love visual design and I care how the product feels for the user. I like the web, product design, football, black tea and cold weather.


I built my first website in 1999 and 2002 I joined a small digital studio. Until 2012 I developed micro sites for brands including Nike, Coca-Cola, Samsung and Olympic Games.

I met amazing and talented people during this time. Also have worked with different technologies from Processing to WebGL and openFrameworks.

In 2012 I left the industry to build products through companies and startups.

Four simple principles I like to follow when building products:

  • Collaboration
  • Craftsmanship
  • Simplicity
  • Flow

I’m living in London, England with my wife and two daughters. Currently working remotely at Dadi. My previous work experience also includes Lystable, RBS, Hailo, The Times, B-Reel and Possible.

Interested in make the web a better place for desktop, mobile and other platforms. I see the web outside the browser as general-purpose display and interaction engine.

Picture by .


Side projects


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